Understanding Data Types in AI and HPC: Int8, FP8, FP16, BF16, BF32, FP32, TF32, FP64, and Hardware Accelerators

In the domains of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC), the proficient management of data types such as Int8, FP8, FP16, BF16, BF32, FP32, TF32, and FP64 is essential for performance optimisation. The advancement of contemporary hardware accelerators like as NVIDIA H100, Intel Gaudi3, and AMD MI300 has markedly enhanced the processing of these formats by expediting calculations and providing superior memory efficiency, enabling researchers and engineers to address progressively intricate workloads.

This blog post delineates the distinctions among various data kinds and their applications, as well as the manner in which contemporary hardware accelerators augment their performance.

Int8 (8-bit Integer)

What is Int8?

Int8 is a signed 8-bit integer that encompasses values from -128 to 127. This format is exceptionally efficient for memory and speed, although it compromises precision.

Use Cases:

  1. AI Inference (Image Classification, Object Detection):
    • Example: Models like ResNet and EfficientNet, used for tasks such as image recognition and object detection, are quantized into Int8 for faster inference. This is commonly deployed in cloud environments, on mobile devices, or for real-time applications like autonomous vehicles.
    • Why: Int8 quantization reduces model size, resulting in faster inference times with minimal accuracy loss, making it ideal for production-level AI applications in constrained environments.
  2. Edge Devices and IoT (Low-power Inference):
    • Example: Edge devices such as smart cameras or drones use Int8 quantized models to perform on-device inference. For example, face detection algorithms running on low-power IoT sensors often use Int8 to minimize the computational load.
    • Why: The low precision of Int8 is sufficient for many inference tasks, and its small size allows edge devices to handle inference tasks without needing access to cloud resources.


  • Speed: Int8 has the most rapid inference speeds among prevalent formats.
  • Memory Efficiency: Significantly decreases memory consumption relative to floating-point formats.


  • Low Precision: The poor precision of Int8 renders it suboptimal for training tasks or those necessitating fine-grained accuracy.

FP8 (8-bit Floating Point)

What is FP8?

FP8 is a nascent floating-point format that utilises only 8 bits to denote floating-point integers. Two prevalent variants of FP8 exist: one including 5 exponent bits and 2 mantissa bits, and the other consisting of 4 exponent bits and 3 mantissa bits. FP8 is swiftly gaining traction in AI because to its equilibrium between memory efficiency and satisfactory precision for initial training phases.

Use Cases:

  1. Early-stage AI Model Training (Language Models, Transformers):
    • Example: FP8 is utilised in extensive language models such as GPT or BERT during the initial phases of training. During the model’s convergence phase, lower precision adequately captures the model’s overarching structure prior to transitioning to higher-precision formats for fine-tuning.
    • Why: FP8 facilitates accelerated training with considerable memory efficiency, permitting extensive model exploration and experimentation without straining computational resources.
  2. Large-scale Inference (Recommendation Systems, NLP Models):
    • Example: FP8 is utilised for inference in extensive recommendation systems, natural language processing (NLP) models, and search algorithms to efficiently process vast datasets in real time.
    • Why: The amalgamation of reduced memory consumption and accelerated computing renders FP8 an optimal selection for extensive inference jobs necessitating efficient data throughput.


  • High Efficiency: FP8’s memory economy renders it optimal for extensive AI models, reducing both training duration and memory demands.


  • Very Low Precision: FP8 is generally employed during the first phases of training or for inference jobs where high precision is not essential.

FP16 (16-bit Floating Point)

What is FP16?

FP16 (half-precision floating point) employs 16 bits for the representation of floating-point values, allocating 5 bits for the exponent and 10 bits for the mantissa. FP16 is extensively utilised in AI due to the optimal equilibrium between velocity and accuracy.

Use Cases:

  1. Mixed-Precision AI Training (Convolutional Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Networks):
    • Example: FP16 is widely utilised in mixed-precision training of deep learning architectures, including CNNs and GANs. Utilising FP16 for the majority of computations and FP32 for critical operations such as gradient accumulation significantly enhances training efficiency.
    • Why: FP16 provides a substantial acceleration and memory efficiency while preserving sufficient precision to prevent considerable accuracy loss, rendering it optimal for models in image processing and generative applications.
  2. Real-time AI Applications (Autonomous Systems, Robotics):
    • Example: Autonomous cars and robotic systems utilise FP16 models to execute real-time functions such as path planning, object identification, and motion prediction.
    • Why: FP16 facilitates rapid processing speeds, vital for applications requiring real-time decision-making and minimal latency.


  • Memory Efficiency: FP16 decreases memory use by 50% relative to FP32.
  • Fast Computation: AI accelerator hardware greatly enhances FP16 operations.


  • Lower Precision: FP16 possesses lower accuracy than FP32, potentially leading to rounding mistakes if not managed meticulously.

BF16 (16-bit Brain Floating Point)

What is BF16?

BF16 is a 16-bit floating-point format that allocates 8 bits for the exponent and 7 bits for the mantissa, offering a dynamic range comparable to FP32, albeit with reduced precision. This format aims to provide a compromise between FP16 and FP32.

Use Cases:

  1. Large-scale Model Training (Transformers, Language Models, Image Classification):
    • Example: BF16 is utilised in the training of extensive AI models, including transformers for natural language processing tasks and classification models in computer vision. The extensive dynamic range of BF16 mitigates overflow and underflow problems during training.
    • Why: BF16 offers an effective equilibrium between accuracy and memory efficiency, facilitating the expedited training of large-scale models while adequately representing intricate relationships within the data.
  2. Healthcare and Medical Imaging (MRI, CT Scan Analysis):
    • Example: Training deep learning models on extensive medical imaging datasets, such as MRIs and CT scans, is enhanced by the dynamic range of BF16. These models must analyse extensive and diverse datasets containing nuanced variations in pixel brightness.
    • Why: BF16 guarantees that extensive models processing varied medical data maintain numerical stability while ensuring efficient and scalable training.


  • Wide Range: BF16 preserves the extensive dynamic range of FP32 while offering enhanced speed and improved memory efficiency.


  • Reduced Precision: BF16 exhibits poorer precision than FP32; yet, it is appropriate for numerous deep learning applications that can accommodate diminished precision.

BF32 (32-bit Brain Floating Point)

What is BF32?

BF32 is a truncated floating-point format that optimises precision and speed by decreasing the mantissa bits relative to FP32, while maintaining the same exponent width.

Use Cases:

  1. Neural Network Training (Deep Learning Models for Vision, NLP, and Speech):
    • Example: BF32 is utilised for training neural networks that want greater precision than BF16 but do not demand the complete precision of FP32. It is beneficial in vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition models, where minimising computation time is crucial.
    • Why: BF32 offers a balance between FP16 and FP32, facilitating expedited training durations while preserving superior precision compared to BF16, rendering it appropriate for extensive model training in industrial contexts.
  2. Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning (Recommendation Systems, Forecasting):
    • Example: BF32 is employed in recommender systems that assess user behaviour and preferences in extensive e-commerce platforms. These models manage extensive datasets and necessitate rapid processing while preserving accuracy.
    • Why: BF32 provides adequate precision and enhanced computational speed for training models that evaluate user data in extensive settings such as online shopping, where both velocity and accuracy significantly influence user experience and sales outcomes.


  • Improved Performance: BF32 facilitates accelerated computations compared to FP32 while preserving an extensive dynamic range.


  • Lower Precision: It is marginally less exact than FP32, however it is faster and more memory-efficient.

FP32 (32-bit Floating Point)

What is FP32?

FP32 is the conventional single-precision floating-point format, employing 32 bits, with 23 allocated for the mantissa and 8 for the exponent. FP32 is extensively utilised in AI training, especially in contexts requiring great accuracy.

Use Cases:

  1. High-Precision Training (Speech Recognition, Image Classification):
    • Example: FP32 is employed in models requiring high precision, such as automatic voice recognition (ASR) and picture classification tasks. These models need accurate predictions to function correctly, particularly in commercial speech recognition systems.
    • Why: FP32’s equilibrium of precision and performance renders it appropriate for AI training when accuracy is paramount, particularly in the advanced phases of training where precision influences convergence.
  2. Scientific Simulations (Fluid Dynamics, Climate Modelling):
    • Example: FP32 is employed in climate modelling and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to replicate intricate physical systems such as air flows or vehicle aerodynamics.
    • Why: These simulations necessitate precision to maintain the stability of the computations, and FP32 offers an ideal balance of accuracy and processing speed for numerous scientific endeavours.


  • Good Precision: FP32 provides an optimal equilibrium between velocity and precision, making it suitable for the majority of scientific and AI tasks.


  • Higher Memory Usage: FP32 requires additional memory and operates at a reduced speed compared to lower-precision formats such as FP16 or BF16.

TF32 (TensorFloat-32)

What is TF32?

TF32 is a floating-point format developed by NVIDIA in its Ampere architecture to enhance AI training efficiency while minimising precision loss. It employs an identical 8-bit exponent as FP32 while diminishing the mantissa to 10 bits, hence enhancing memory efficiency.

Use Cases:

  1. Deep Learning Model Training (Large Matrix Computations):
    • Example: TF32 is frequently employed in deep learning architectures to expedite matrix multiplications during model training, particularly in transformer and convolutional neural network (CNN) models.
    • Why: TF32 facilitates accelerated computation for matrix operations, fundamental to deep learning models, without necessitating complete FP32 precision, hence considerably reducing training durations in extensive models.
  2. Financial Modelling and Forecasting (Risk Analysis, Algorithmic Trading):
    • Example: In financial institutions, TF32 accelerates the training of models that forecast market trends, assess financial risks, and guide algorithmic trading choices.
    • Why: TF32’s precision is enough for the majority of financial models, but its performance enhancements facilitate expedited model iteration and accelerated decision-making in critical contexts.


  • Faster Training: TF32 accelerates FP32-level computations while preserving high precision for artificial intelligence training.


  • Moderately Decreased Precision: It is less exact than complete FP32 although more accurate than FP16.

FP64 (64-bit Floating Point)

What is FP64?

FP64 (double-precision floating point) is a format that provides high accuracy, utilising 52 bits for the mantissa and 11 bits for the exponent. This style is essential in disciplines necessitating precise calculations.

Use Cases:

  1. Scientific Research (Physics Simulations, Molecular Dynamics):
    • Example: FP64 is utilised in simulations necessitating exceptional precision, including molecular dynamics and extensive physics simulations in astrophysics, chemistry, or quantum mechanics.
    • Why: These domains necessitate exact computations to simulate small-scale events, where even minor mistakes can result in erroneous outcomes, and FP64 offers the requisite precision for these simulations.
  2. Engineering Applications (Aerospace, Civil Engineering):
    • Example: Aerospace firms employ FP64 in finite element analysis (FEA) to model stresses and materials in aircraft components, hence ensuring structural integrity under flight conditions.
    • Why: The high precision of FP64 is essential for precise simulations in safety-critical sectors like as aerospace and civil engineering, where minor miscalculations can result in substantial failures.


  • Highest Precision: FP64 is optimal for workloads necessitating exceptional precision, such as meteorological simulations or computational chemistry.


  • Slower and Memory-Intensive: FP64 is more computationally intensive and memory-demanding than other forms such as FP32.

How Hardware Accelerators Optimize These Data Types

  • NVIDIA H100: The H100, a component of NVIDIA’s Hopper architecture, is a formidable resource for AI and HPC tasks. It accommodates many floating-point formats, ranging from FP8 to FP64, and incorporates novel optimisations such as FP8 and BF16 to enhance the speed of AI training. Its Tensor Cores are optimised for mixed-precision computing and utilise TF32 to enhance FP32-level computations.
  • Intel Gaudi3: Intel’s Gaudi3 is engineered exclusively for AI training and inference. It accommodates Int8, FP8, FP16, BF16, FP32 and TF32, providing exceptionally efficient training performance in data centres. Gaudi3’s architecture is designed for low-latency AI operations and is highly effective in the large-scale training of neural networks.
  • AMD MI300: AMD’s MI300 is designed for high-performance computing and artificial intelligence tasks, accommodating Int8, FP8, BF16, FP16, FP32, TF32, and FP64 formats. The MI300 is optimised for high-precision calculations, making it suitable for hybrid workloads encompassing scientific computing and AI model training.

Summary of Key Differences and Use Cases

Data TypePrecisionRangeUse CasesHardware SupportBenefitsDrawbacks
Int8LowLowAI InferenceH100, Gaudi3, MI300Fast, memory-efficientLow precision
FP8Very LowLowAI Training / InferenceH100, Gaudi3, MI300Extremely memory-efficientVery low precision
FP16ModerateModerateAI TrainingH100, Gaudi3, MI300Fast, memory-efficientLower precision
BF16ModerateHighAI TrainingH100, Gaudi3, MI300Wide range, fastSlightly less precision
BF32ModerateHighAI TrainingH100Good balance of speed and precisionLower precision
FP32HighHighAI Training, HPCH100, Gaudi3, MI300Good precision, wide rangeHigher memory usage
TF32ModerateHighAI TrainingH100, Gaudi3, MI300Faster than FP32, retains rangeLess precise
FP64Very HighVery HighHPCH100, MI300Highest precision and rangeSlow, memory-intensive


Selecting the appropriate data format is essential for optimising AI and HPC workloads, although the correct hardware also plays a significant role. Utilising technology such as NVIDIA H100, Intel Gaudi3, and AMD MI300 allows for more effective application of these floating-point formats, achieving an optimal equilibrium between speed, precision, and memory utilisation, hence facilitating significant advancements in AI and scientific computing.